Monday, February 9, 2009


I was taking a walk one day and saw some of my young neighbors down at the park. Seeing the clouds of smoke being released, I decided to slide on by and pass a little knowledge on to the youngsters while they were in a receptive state of mind. I have been doing some serious thought on the state of fast food and health in this country and I wanted to see if how I felt could be communicated to others. So I walked up to the table and the conversation went something like this:

YWeedy1: (puff, puff)...yo! What up dude?

Me: Nothing much just thought I would come chat with you fellas for a bit. What's going on?

YWeedy2: (puff, puff)...dumb question dude...(puff, puff) can see what's going on here.

YWeedy1: (puff, puff)...yeah just the same ole same ole...(puff, puff)...bout to finish this and hit a dollar menu somewhere.

Me: That's cool. You guys ever trip on how fast food has grown these days?

YWeedy2: (puff, puff)...dude I don't give a fuck, I just know it's cheap and that shit is bomb...(puff, puff)...

Me: You know everything that's good to you isn't good for you.

YWeedy2: I don't give a fuck! No disrespect dude but fuck that shit.

YWeedy1: (puff, puff)...dude relax man...(puff, puff)...this dude talks some good shit.

YWeedy2: Less talking and more passing...(puff, puff)...okay so what's the deal with fast food?

Me: Let's take a good look at it and what's going on in the world. Now how many fast food spots like McDonalds, Burger King, and Carls's Jr. do you see around these days?

YWeedy2: (puff, puff)...dude them shits is like everywhere!

YWeedy1: (puff, puff)...yeah they on like every corner and shit...(puff, puff)...dude spark the other blunt.

YWeedy2: You gotta put in again!

Me: Okay so they are everywhere right, so how are they able to get so much food to all these restaurants to serve so cheap?

YWeedy1: (puff, puff)...don't know I always kinda wondered how though...(puff, puff)...from other countries?

YWeedy2: (puff, puff) dumb ass! You think they serve food made in other countries here...(puff, puff)...everything they sell in the U.S. is grown in the U.S.! Tell him he stupid!

Me: Well actually some of the food is grown and processed in other countries like China and Mexico, but the point isn't as much where it comes from but what is being done to supply such high demand.

YWeedy2: What they doin?

YWeedy1: (puff, puff)...they use all kind of chemicals to get shit to grow bigger and faster like they doing hydro now.

Me: Yep that's exactly what they are doing. Now take a look around and how fat people are these days. How many guts have you seen hanging out of tank tops and tube tops in the street this week?

YWeedy2: (puff, puff)...that's some real shit! These broads and niggas be out here like it's cool to be fat and shit...(puff, puff)...that shit is digusting but they fat because they don't do shit.

YWeedy1: (puff, puff)...yeah that just sit on their fat asses and eat...(puff, puff) ain't because of fast food!

Me: You guys do have a little point about the lack of working out, but you have to look at the bigger picture. What has happened is that these major corporations, working with pharmaceutical companies, have lobbied government institutions to okay the use of chemicals and hormones to speed up growth of chickens, cows, pigs and even produce, to supposedly keep up with demand. Now the chemicals and hormones are being transferred over to use as consumers and everybody wants to turn a blind eye.

YWeedy1: (puff, puff)...I ain't buyin that!

YWeedy2: (puff, puff)...yeah they wouldn't let that shit slide like that...(puff, puff)...people just lazy and don't do nothin.

Me: Like I said before, the lack of working out is definitely part of the problem but don't be blinded to the overall scheming that's happening. We are definitely becoming a fatter more unhealthy society because of what they use to grow the food they feed us.

YWeedy1: (puff, puff)...okay so say that that shit is happening...(puff)...people can still work out and not be as fat!

Me: Yeah they could but when you look at what's going on in schools where P.E. programs have become a joke and facilities are no where near suitable, adults have to work ungodly hours or multiple jobs to pay the basic bills and kids spend more time playing video games than ridding bikes. What you should expect the government to do is regulate the chemicals and hormones the pharmaceutical companies use, but instead they allow the pharmaceutical companies to come up with more drugs you can take to help you lose weight.

YWeedy2: (puff, puff)...yo that shit is true all you hear about is all these fat pills people can take...(puff, puff)...that's some real shit.

YWeedy1: (puff, puff) that's trippy.

Me: Yeah that's why I say you have to look at the big picture! Things have really gotten so bad now that you can go get the Lap Band procedure to help you eat less. So what the government has help decide for us is that it is better to alter the human body by surgery than control what goes into our food! Then the colder part is that the work with the insurance companies to cover part of the cost of the procedure so that we feel it must be okay if the insurance company covers it. We have reached the tipping point in the glutenous society we have been building since the 80's.

YWeedy2: (puff, puff)...I don't know about all that insurance and glutten...whateva you said, but that fat pill shit make sense.

YWeedy1: (puff, puff)...yeah man that was deep! Well we are out of here man gotta get to Mickey D's before it gets to cold to ride.

Me: What? After all that you still going to eat that shit?

YWeedy2: (puff, puff)...hell yeah! I'm munched out! Let's ride.

Me: Alright then just keep that shit in mind.

YWeedy1: Fo sho! You want anything back?

Me: Yeah bring me the two Big Macs! :)

What you think?

Friday, February 6, 2009

That's on G.O.P. !!!!!!!

With everything going on in America, I must admit I have developed a new found respect for the G.O.P./Republican party. Feeling all informed and wanting to express my opinion to someone that could appreciate and understand where I am coming from, I called up one of my neighbors, OHWeedy (Old Head), to see if he was up for some conversation. To my delight, he was just preparing his evening dosage of herbal medicine and invited me over. I walked in, took a seat, and the conversation went something like this:

Me: what I'm saying is....I have a new found respect for Republicans OHWeedy.

OHWeedy: What? You've been one of the loudest anti-Republican voices in the neighborhood.

Me: I know but I have to give credit where credit is due, and I have never seen a group of people soooooooo dedicated to a cause and willing to go against the whole world for their cause than the Republican party.

OHWeedy: (puff, puff)...yeah I know what you are saying, they are stubborn if nothing else.

Me: Oh it is more than stubbornness. The G.O.P. acts like a gang!

OHWeedy: (puff, puff)...a gang huh? (puff, puff)...explain.

Me: Thank about how gangs usually work. They tolerate no disloyalty, their first response is always to attack in numbers and strength, and if you go against them or try to defect they will destroy you! Doesn't that sound a lot like the Republican party?

OHWeedy: (PUFFFFFF)...that's deep youngster. (puff, puff)...deep.

Me: You know, I don't always agree with what gangs of the Republican party does, but you have to admire their cohesiveness sometimes. I mean even after this historical election where we the people chose to try something different than tax cuts for the rich, they still stand in unison and say,"FUCK YALL!! We represent the rich and we will die for this shit!!!" I mean you gotta respect that!

OHWeedy: (puff, puff)...yeah you gotta good read on the situation. What people seem to forget is that G.O.P. stands for the Grand Old Party, which really...(puff, puff)...just means keep the money with the Grand Old Rich People!

Me: Word! What kills me is how is it that the Democratic party can't seem to get it's act together enough to expose this shit the right way.

OHWeedy: (puff, puff)...that's because if the Republican party is like a strong gang, the Democratic party is like a dysfunctional family that may all share a name but can't always get along.

Me: You a fool!

OHWeedy: (puff, puff)... for real. Think about it or a second. Democrats are like the husbands who cheat on the wife and she goes on a talk show to tell the world and then the kids come out and say they want to divorce their parents all while trying to live under one roof. Democrats keep their shit messy and have no order like the Republicans, so they bicker and fight in public and make the entire party look like shit.

Me: Deep OHWeedy.

OHWeedy: (puff, puff)...yeah that's why at the end of the day nothing gets done really because the real people that run the country sit back and let us be entertained or disenfranchised by the bull that goes on while they pull the strings to still keep the wealth in one place.

Me: OHWeedy, I see you really ready to get going but I gotta get to the house and eat dinner with the fam. I do want to hear about who really pulls the strings though. What you go going tomorrow evening?

OHWeedy: (puff, puff)...taking my medicine and teaching you about the Federal Reserve.

Me: Cool I will holla at you tomorrow!

What do you think?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Music to the Soul

I have always tried to have an open mind and that really shows in the music I listen to while driving. From Cube to Green Day, talk radio and jazz, you never know what you will hear when you jump in the car with me. So the other day I picked up one of my younger boys (YWeedy)and the conversation went something like this:

Me: What up?

YWeedy: What up? You mind if I smoke this in here?

Me: Naw go ahead just roll the window down.

YWeedy: Fo sho....("for some strange reason I can't explain, I know St. Peter will call my name")...what the fuck you listening to?

Me: Cold Play, don't tell me you haven't heard this song!

YWeedy: (puff, puff)...fuck that shit, I don't listen to that bullshit! All I listen to is Rap and some R&B when I'm with my lady.

Me: For real? So no jazz, rock, country, or nothing huh?

YWeedy: (puff, puff)...nigga didn't you hear me last time!

Me: Okay, so why do you listen to music?

YWeedy: (puff, puff)...nigga the same reason you do....(puff, puff)...when I get in my whip I like to bump my shit!

Me: You still haven't answered why you listen to music.

YWeedy: (puff, puff)...nigga why you listen to music?

Me: I see you can't really answer the question so I will tell you I listen to music for entertainment value. I enjoy listening to the lyrics and beats as well as the instruments and arrangements different artists use.

YWeedy: (puff, puff)...yeah that's why I listen to it to!

Me: Okay then why don't you listen to music other than Rap and R&B?

YWeedy: (puff, puff)...nigga because I'm from the eastside! We don't listen to that other bullshit over here!

Me: Well I'm from the eastside to and I listen to it all the time!

YWeedy: (puff, puff)...nigga you different and shit! You was in the army and shit and went to school and shit. You know you kinda sold out!

Me: What?

YWeedy: (puff, puff)...yeah I said it! Listening to this bullshit, car seat all close to the steering wheel! It's okay though you still my nigga!

Me: So what you are saying is the music you listen to is what makes you who you are?

YWeedy: (puff, puff)...naw! You know what I mean.

Me: Yes, I do know what you mean. You have gotten so caught up in the same stereotypes that you would want to fight over, that you feel you have to listen to a certain type of music to validate your 'hoodness'. You can no longer listen to music for its entertainment value.

YWeedy: Yes I can nigga, I just choose to be entertained by my music!

Me: No, you won't even open up your mind in an attempt to appreciate anything other than Rap and R&B. You really bring up a good question though and I don't think you see it.

YWeedy: (puff, puff)...see what nigga?

Me: That people have to make a decision. People must decide does music define their life or just enhance by entertaining.

YWeedy: (puff, puff)...nigga what you talkin bout?

Me: People like you have made a decision, either consciously or unconsciously, that they will only listen to a certain type of music because of who they are or where they come from. People like me listen to anything and can find entertainment in anything because I don't feel the need to define myself by what I listen to.

YWeedy: (puff, puff)...nigga that's kinda deep but you still a sell out!

Me: Yeah but not because of what I listen to nigga!

What do you think?