Saturday, January 31, 2009

Money is Power?????

My phone rang one night and it was one of my favorite catarack having neighbors. This had to be about six months ago during the height of the crazy oil days. He invited me over for snacks and conversation and I couldn't resist because our conversations are always so enlightening! I arrived at his house and sat down when he said:

Weedy: (puff, puff) what i'm saying is, what is money?

Me: Money is what you use to buy stuff.

Weedy: (puff, puff)...right. Money is a medium of exchange.

Me: Yeah that's what I mean.

Weedy: (puff, puff)..if money is a medium of exchange, what does American money represent?

Me: Well it use to be based on gold a long time ago but now it is based off of.....nothing I guess.

Weedy: Yeah once FDR took America off the gold standard... (puff, puff)...the only thing the dollar represented was a promise and the word of our government. So if we lose the trust of the world, what happens to the value of the dollar?

Me: I guess it goes down.

Weedy: That's right now let's take a look at what's going on in the world today. The way you compare the value of one currency to another is by how much of mutal commodity each currency can purchase.

Me: That makes sense..

Weedy: (puff, puff) as we know the mutual commodity use to be gold but guess what the new gold is?

Me: What?

Weedy: (puff puff)...come on now, take a guess!

Me: I don't know!

Weedy: Oil!!!!

Me: HUH?

Weedy: That's right Oil is the new gold! Look at what's happening...(puff, puff) the Middle East. Oil has become so valuable in the world that OPEC can decide the value of different currencies based on how much they want to sell their oil to different countries. If OPEC decides that for one barrel of oil they want 65 US dollars and 45EU than the value of the EU is higher than that of the dollar.

Me: That makes sense but I thought the conversion rate controlled that?

Weedy: Yeah but the conversion rate is based of a medium of exchange and the value that seller places on the currency. Since the dollar is based solely on the 'word' of the US and not gold, if the seller doesn't value the 'word' of our government as much as they do another, than they can decide it will take more of your currency to equal the value of a more favorable country.

Me: So what's to stop them from just ruining a country's economy completely? It seems like they should rule the world.

Weedy: (puff, puff)...that is why we have brave young men and women in uniform!

Me: WHAT????

Weedy: When your word means little, your muscles better be big and strong. Since these oil countries stopped valuing the word of our government, they pretty much said you will take our dollars at this value or we will blow you up, over through your government and install a leader who will value our dollar at this value.

Me: Now I am no believer that Iraq was about WMD's, but I never thought about it this way.

Weedy: (puff, puff)...yeah I remember when the US put Sadam in power years ago for the same reason....(puff, puff)...soon as Sadam got comfortable and started talking shit to the US and was ready to stop his support for upholding the value of the dollar, all of the sudden we get attacked and Iraq has WMD's.

Me: Deep........

What do you think?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Effective Communication

I recently took a long road trip with two of my 420 friendly buddies, one from high school (HSWeedy) and one from college (CWeedy). Suga Free was banging in the vehicle was my high school buddy attempted to educate my college buddy on the fine art of pimpin! There was a moment of silence between songs and instruction when HSWeedy said:

HSWeedy: (puff, puff) what I'm sayin is, which one works and sounds better. "Bitch, shut up!" or "Shut up, Bitch!"

CWeedy: (puff, puff)...dude is there a difference?

HSWeedy: you don't know? This has been an ongoing debate since high school!

Me: Yeah CWeedy, we have been having spirited debate on this topic for years now.

HSWeedy: (puff, puff)... yeah, so now we need you to help close this.

CWeedy: (puff, puff)... well let me think about it for a second...(puff, puff)...the placement of Bitch is what we are really discussing right?

HSWeedy: (puff, puff)...yeah man! The question is do you check her first with the Bitch, or do you save it to bring the point home?

Me: I think starting off with a strong and firm, Bitch, really sets the tone and gets the bitches attention and let's her know you mean business.

HSWeedy: I think finishing up with a long drawn out, Beeeeeeeyatch, really brings the point home.

CWeedy: (puff, puff)...dude, you both make good points. Why not use one in the beginning and the end like, "Bitch! Shut up, Beeeeeeyatch!"

HSWeedy: (puff, puff)...naw that won't work because now you are OB'in (Over Bitch'in). You use too many Bitches and it losses it's effectiveness.

Me: Yeah after a while she may begin to take it as a term of endearment.

CWeedy: (puff, puff)...okay I see. If that's the case than I have to go with the "Bitch, shut up!"
Me: Yeah!!!!! Told you fool!

HSWeedy: (puff, puff)...whateva fool! Why think that one works better?

CWeedy: (puff, puff) starting off with the insult, you immediately get the woman's attention and you establish your position as the dominant figure in the conversation. When you save it for the end it almost sounds whinny and bitch like.

HSWeedy: (puff, puff) you sayin I sound like a bitch?

Me: LOL!!!! Yeah BITCH!!!!

CWeedy: Naw dude...not exactly...I can say it however you know what I's just....

Me: F him CWeedy!!!! Tell this hoe the truth!!!

CWeedy: (puff, puff)...yeah, if you like to save it for the end then you sound like a bitch yourself dude!

HSWeedy: F both of yall!

What you think?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bird's Eye View

I was walking in my neighborhood the other day and ran into one of my buddies. After our initial greeting we continued to walk together when he hit me with:

Weedy: (puff, puff) what I'm saying is, have you ever seen a pigeon sitting in a tree?

Me: You know what, I can't say that I have.

Weedy: (puff, puff)... that's because pigeons don't land in trees.

Me: Whateva Weedy, you are making that up! What bird doesn't land in a tree?

Weedy: (puff, puff)... naw that's for real. Think about it and tell me the last time you have seen a pigeon in a tree. Pigeon's will sit on anything man made but not a tree!

Me: Why is that Weedy?

Weedy: (puff, puff)... because they are alien spies!!

Me: (lol) Whateva Weedy, your medicine got you paranoid!

Weedy: Let's think about it for a second. Every time they show any important meeting happening, rather it be on Wall Street, Washington or even Moscow, there are always pigeons around paying attention. They sit on window ledges, telephone poles and lines, roof tops, anywhere to see what's going on. How many dead pigeons have you ever seen?

Me: hummm....I can't think of many right now. Why?

Weedy: (puff, puff) never see dead pigeons because they are alien spies!!!! What bird never lands in a tree, can always be found attempting to look in and listen in on meetings and you can never find a dead body around?

Me: I think you have reached your maximum dosage for the day Weedy. Where do you get this stuff from?

Weedy: I was listening to this guy on talk radio and he got my paying attention for the last few weeks and it's true.

Me: You can't listen to everything you hear on talk radio Weedy!

Weedy: (puff, puff) just remember where you heard it from first! Pay attention and ask around. You'll soon find out that it's true. Pigeons are alien spies!

Me: Alright Weedy. (lol) I will pay attention and ask around. What you got going for the rest of the day?

Weedy: My office is having an inspection so I have to get some paperwork together for the inspectors.

Me: Cool, good luck with that, I have to get going now, but I will holla at you later!

Weedy: Take it easy and watch out for the pigeons!!!!

Me: Will do Weedy!

So I ask you! Have you ever seen a pigeon land in a tree? Seen a dead pigeon? Seen pigeons spying? Let me know!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Intro

Hey it's Me! I live in the best city in the best state where the best marijuana is consumed. Being from where im from, I am priviliged to partake in or overhear some of the best conversations with people under the influence of their medicine. Now if you don't know anyone that blows, sneaks a puff, has cataracts, eats green baked goods, or has peace pipe socials, you have no idea the depth and variety of conversations you are missing. Living where I live, I have meet people from every age, sex, profession and background that consider themselves 420 friendly and very conversational! So trip with Me and Weedy as we re-inact our conversations.